Focused on Embodiment . Welcoming Vulnerability . Radical Self-Acceptance. Deepening Relationships.

Focused on Embodiment . Welcoming Vulnerability . Radical Self-Acceptance. Deepening Relationships.

What is PleasureFWRD?

PleasureFWRD is rooted in the Somatica®️ Method. A unique approach that combines talk based coaching with an experiential methodology to facilitate transformative change in individuals and couples. This approach allows individuals to explore their innermost thoughts, emotions, feelings and behaviors in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

Through this process, individuals can gain a better understanding of themselves, their core desires, and their motivations.

PleasureFWRD encourages individuals to develop empathy, step out of their comfort zones, confront their fears, build boundaries, and embrace new ways of being.

Why choose PleasureFWRD?

Because I, Mayra, am dedicated to empowering you to unlock your full potential and live a life that's authentic, fulfilling, and connected. With my expertise in intimacy, sexuality, and relationships, I'll guide you on a personalized journey of self-discovery and growth. Through evidence-based techniques and skill-building experiential tools, we'll explore in real-time your desires, boundaries, and communication skills and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and connection. By embracing pleasure as our guiding principle, we'll break free from limiting beliefs and create the intimate relationships that align with your true values and aspirations. My commitment is to hold the space for your growth, allowing your true emotional and erotic self to unfold, with compassion, empathy, and expertise. Join me at PleasureFWRD, and let's embark on this transformative journey together!

“Somatica Sex and Relationship Coaches are specifically trained to help you figure out your Core Desires. They can also help you share, construct, and teach each other your Hottest Sexual Movies.   When utilizing a coach to help you unearth, communicate, and learn each other’s movies, you may want to do it as a couple or you may want to do some individual work first and then come back together and practice. It depends a lot on where you are in your process with one another and there are good arguments for both.”
Danielle Harel, Coming Together: Embracing your Core Desires for Sexual Fulfillment and Long-Term Compatibility